Episode 1: Pigman
On Legend’s very first episode Samm shares with Amy her very own local legend.
In 1913 a man by the name of William Derrecks was born with Frontonasal Dysplasia which caused him to have severe facial abnormalities and intellectual disabilities. Already born into a family with a history of involvement with tragic events; he had to endure the scrutiny of the village of Angola, New York which pushed him into reclusion. Did he truly become the monster the village believed him to be, a creature hellbent on terrorizing the local youths who used Holland Road as their Lovers Lane or was he simply a misunderstood man hiding from the prying eyes of a closed minded society?
Samm shares her experiences growing up around this legend along with sharing her dad’s own experiences during a time when this legend was in the forefront of everyone’s mind.
If you are from Angola, New York and also grew up with Pigman’s urban legend and have a story to share, whether it be your very own experience or a different version of the urban legend itself, we would love to hear from you!
Please fill out the form on the “Contact Us” link on our website at thisislegendpod.com or email us directly as thisislegendpod@gmail.com.
Holland Road Tunnel (as seen from Google Maps)
The Angola Horror Plaque
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper depiction of the Angola Horror Train Wreck
William’s Oddities of the World Troupe (he is blacked out in respect for his families wishes)
The Derrecks Home
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angola,_New_York Wikipedia
https://angolapigman.weebly.com/uploads/3/6/6/0/3660761/pigman.pdf M.C Hageman Document
https://jasonrobertsonline.com/the-legend-of-pigman/ Jason Roberts
https://www.hauntedplaces.org/item/pigman-road/ Haunting Info
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzzBw9oJhLc Matthew Media
https://youtu.be/gaGhRVWxXV8 Make-up and Pigman
https://youtu.be/CdeBDyX_Ubo Grim Tweekers
https://youtu.be/qqpsu8-X1xI Funny Compilation of Steve from Ghost Hunters