Ep 68: Fouke Monster
On episode 68 of Legend and number four in our Big Foot Month series, Samm and Amy discuss the Fouke Monster from Fouke, Arkansas. Similar to Big Foot, he’s a tall hairy ape-like man that smells bad who may or may not have red glowing eyes. However, unlike his Pacific Northwestern cousin, he likes to dwell in the bogs and creeks of the Midwest. The Fouke Monster has many nicknames such as the Boggy Creek Monster, Swamp Stalker, Southern Big Foot, or Arkansas Big Foot, believe us… the list goes on. Listen in as we discuss the popular Bobby Ford encounter and much much more. Also, if you have any interesting stories to tell about the Fouke Monster or anything else that screams spooky or strange, don’t forget to submit your stories at our email thisislegendpod@gmail.com or on our website, https://www.thisislegendpod.com/contact
Artist rendering of the Fouke Monster.
Article by Dala McKinsey discussing Fouke Monster encounters.
Author Lyle Blackburn standing in front of his merchandise that advertise his book.
Monster Mart convenience store/museum.
Movie cover for the The Legend of the Boggy Creek Monster, a cult classic horror movie.
Advertisement for the upcoming Fouke Monster Festival.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fouke_Monster “Fouke Monster”
https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/entries/fouke-monster-2212/ “Fouke Monster”
https://www.city-data.com/city/Fouke-Arkansas.html “Fouke, Arkansas”
http://www.foukemonster.net/ “BOGGY CREEK MONSTER site”
https://wylienews.com/2022/11/04/the-fouke-monster/ “The Fouke Monster”
https://librariesblog.uark.edu/boggy-creek-blog-the-legend-of-the-fouke-monster/ “Boggy Creek Blog: The Legend of the Fouke Monster”
https://arktimes.com/arkansas-blog/2021/10/06/searching-for-the-boggy-creek-monster “Searching for the Boggy Creek Monster”
https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/boggy-creek-monster “Boggy Creek Monster”
https://www.thv11.com/article/features/legend-mystery-fouke-monster-boggy-creek/91-68bc9222-934f-46ec-a281-18634544488c “50 years later: The legend and mystery of the Fouke Monster”
https://www.arkansas.com/articles/fouke-bigfoot-capital-arkansas “FOUKE: BIGFOOT CAPITAL OF ARKANSAS”
https://skepticalinquirer.org/newsletter/bigfoot-roundup-some-regional-variants-identified-as-bears/ “Bigfoot Roundup: Some Regional Variants Identified as Bears”
https://www.texarkanagazette.com/news/2019/jun/14/hairy-monster-hunted-fouke-sector/ “Hairy ‘monster’ hunted in Fouke sector”
https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/07/mysterious-encounters-with-the-beast-of-boggy-creek/ “Mysterious Encounters with the Beast of Boggy Creek”
https://aymag.com/arkansas-backstories-fouke-monster/ “Arkansas Backstories: Fouke Monster”
https://cryptozoologycryptids.fandom.com/wiki/Fouke_Monster “Fouke Monster”
https://www.4029tv.com/article/bigfoot-sasquatch-arkansas/26013047# “Bigfoot sightings have a long history in Arkansas”
https://www.legendsofamerica.com/boggy-creek-monster-arkansas/ “Boggy Creek Monser of Arkansas”
http://arkansasroadstories.com/monsters/ms1.html “The Fouke Monster”
http://www.unknownexplorers.com/foukemonster.php “Fouke Monster”
https://darktales.blog/2020/06/14/the-fouke-monster/ “The Fouke Monster”
https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/texas-news/texas-cryptozoologist-researches-forest-monster/55380/ “Texas Cryptozoologist Researches Forest ‘Monster’”
https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/2006/07/30/sighting-of-creature-terrifies-caney-woman/61868315007/ “Sighting of creature terrifies Caney woman”
https://www.roadsideamerica.com/tip/52 “Fouke, Arkansas: Monster Mart: Boggy Creek Monster”
https://www.tiedyetravels.com/2016/03/fouke-monster.html “Finding the Fouke Monster in Southwest Arkansas”