Ep 51: Kuldhara & Bhangarh

Does the idea of a village vanishing in one night give you the creeps? Well, maybe it’s the reason they vanished that should creep you out. On episode 51 of Legend Amy tells Samm the stories surrounding the disappearance of Kuldhara, a village in Jaisalmer, India and Bhangarh, a fort on the other side o Jaisalmer. Did the people of Kuldhara just not want to pay a hefty tax or did something darker happen? And in Bhangarh did they just move on to another settlement or succumb to a brutal curse?

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Ep 51: The Legends of Kuldhara & Bhangarh
Legend Podcast

Kuldhara Gates

The remains of many homes at Kuldhara

You can see some of the Khadeen system here

The restored temple in Kuldhara

Bhangarh Fort

One of Bhangarh’s elaborate temples

Gaurav Tiwari

https://joshuaproject.net/people_groups/19968/IN Palliwal Brahmin in India

https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/travel/destinations/kuldharathe-ghost-village/articleshow/37241961.cms Kuldhara—the ghost village

https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/kuldhara-rajasthan-abandoned-for-centuries-kuldhara-rajasthan-has-a-tale-to-tell-2082363 Abandoned For Centuries, "Haunted" Rajasthan Village Has A Tale To Tell

https://sg.style.yahoo.com/kuldhara-rajasthan-entire-village-abandoned-overnight-now-haunted-055328965.html An entire village became abandoned overnight and is now haunted

https://theculturetrip.com/asia/india/articles/the-dark-secret-behind-rajasthans-abandoned-ghost-village/ The Dark Secret Behind Rajasthan's Abandoned Ghost Village

https://www.adotrip.com/blog/ghost-village-of-kuldhara The Ghost Village of Kuldhara: Myths and Facts

https://gulfnews.com/entertainment/arts-culture/kuldhara-an-abandoned-ghost-town-in-india-1.1865751 Kuldhara, an abandoned ghost town in India

https://triparambh.com/salim-singh-ki-haveli-a-hidden-gem-that-stands-in-solitude-over-desolate-history/ Salim Singh Ki Haveli: A hidden gem that stands in solitude over desolate history

https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/columns/the-most-haunted-fort-in-india/article20231373.ece Bhangarh: the most haunted fort in India

https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/travel/destinations/places-to-visit-in-the-garhwal-region-in-uttarakhand/photostory/85968318.cms 5 mysterious facts about Bhangarh that will scare you to bits

https://www.firstpost.com/living/gaurav-tiwari-indian-ghost-busters-mysterious-death-is-magnet-for-paranormal-theories-2911340.html Gaurav Tiwari: Indian ghost buster's mysterious death is magnet for paranormal theories

https://www.travelandleisureindia.in/places/local/interesting-and-bone-chilling-facts-about-bhangarh-fort/ Bone-Chilling Facts About Bhangarh Fort, The Most Haunted Place In India


Ep 52: Krampus


Ep 50: Borley Rectory