Ep 56: Denver International Airport

The largest airport in America has quite a few surprises hiding within it. There are hidden underground buildings and tunnels that may or may not stretch for miles, hidden messages about a possible apocalyptic event from The New World Order or even the Illuminati, and maybe even lizard people and aliens! DIA takes this all in stride however and even pokes fun at all the incredible theories surrounding them. On episode 56 listen in as Samm and Amy go over all the theories, no matter how farfetched, and decide for yourselves if something weird is going on in Colorado.

Denver International Airport

Denver International Airport’s Dedication Capstone

Mustang by Luis Jimenez a.k.a. “Blucifier” by the locals

Denver International Airport’s talking gargoyle

Denver International Airport tunnel

Alex Christopher’s Book “Pandora’s Box”

One example of Denver International Airport’s ads


https://www.flydenver.com/sites/default/files/downloads/20-08%20Denver%20International%20Airport%20Celebrates%2025%20Years_.pdf Denver International Airport Celebrates 25 Years of Success and Growth

https://coloradoencyclopedia.org/article/denver-international-airport Denver International Airport

https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/largest-airports-in-the-world Largest Airports in the World 2022

https://www.flydenver.com/great_hall/denfiles YOU MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE HEARD. DEN’S GOT SOME SECRETS.

https://www.uncovercolorado.com/conspiracy-theories-denver-international-airport/ Denver International Airport Conspiracy Theories and the Surround Facts

https://www.middlebury.edu/institute/academics/centers-initiatives/ctec/ctec-publications/new-world-order-historical-origins-dangerous The New World Order: The Historical Origins of a Dangerous Modern Conspiracy Theory

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denver_International_Airport Denver International Airport

https://travellemming.com/blucifer-denver-airport-blue-mustang/ ’Blucifer’ What’s the Story with DIA’s Blue Mustang?

http://www.whale.to/b/denver.html Interview with Alex Christopher on The Denver Airport

https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16146996-pandora-s-box Pandora’s box: The ultimate ‘unseen hand’ behind the new world order.

https://www.denver.org/blog/post/myths-denver-airport/ Myths and Legends Behind Denver International Airport

https://www.abstractdenver.com/the-lizard-people-of-dia-tee.html The Lizard People of DIA Tee

https://gizmodo.com/denver-conspiracies-airport-travel-lizard-people-1849164639/slides/3 Exploring All of the Denver International Airport’s Conspiracies

https://www.thrillist.com/travel/nation/denver-airport-conspiracy-theories How the Denver Airport Became an Icon of the Illuminati

https://www.barstoolsports.com/blog/1032449/the-denver-airport-conspiracy-blog?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=17574653957&utm_content=137700866146&utm_term=&gadid=605871085882&gclid=Cj0KCQiA4aacBhCUARIsAI55maHsAZ-MMpgb0gWVDqwbvwWNHi5oyDx2lAD6WqD4beD7IO5iEn71qu4aAgCGEALw_wcB The Denver Airport Conspiracy Blog


Ep 57: Dock Street Theatre


Ep 55: The Exeter Incident