Ep 59: Kidney Heist
Picture this: You are traveling on business, you go to get a drink before bed and someone slips a nice little roofie into your drink. When you wake up you are in a bath tub filled with ice with a little note laying next to you saying that if you want to live you should probably call 911. How freaking scared are you?! In the 59th episode of Legend Amy tells Samm all about the urban legend surrounding kidney jacking. Where it might of come from, how it evolved and some real life stories!
Kidney Diagram
American Kidney Fund
Be the Match
Donate Life
https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/youve-got-to-be-kidneying/ Kidney Theft
https://web.archive.org/web/20000424092453/https://stumedia.tsp.utexas.edu/WebTexan/kidney.html The Daily Texan
https://www.wired.com/1998/12/the-great-kidney-snatch-myth/ The Great Kidney-Snatch Myth
https://www.deseret.com/1991/11/15/18951979/the-kidney-heist-draws-flood-of-embellishments `THE KIDNEY HEIST’ DRAWS FLOOD OF EMBELLISHMENTS
https://web.archive.org/web/19980506013419/http://www.mardigrasday.com/police1.html New Orleans Department of Police
https://nerdbot.com/2023/01/04/urban-legend-fact-or-fiction-did-kidney-heist-really-happen/ Urban Legend Fact or Fiction: Did ‘Kidney Heist’ Really Happen?
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0629431/ Sonata for Solo Organ
https://www.oxygen.com/true-crime-buzz/law-order-10-infamous-cases-that-inspired-series-episodes Ready For The 'Law & Order' Reboot? Here Are 10 Infamous Cases That Inspired Episodes Of The Iconic Series
https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/341814/WHO-HTP-EHT-CPR-2010.01-eng.pdf?sequence=1#:~:text=Cells%2C%20tissues%20and%20organs%20should,deceased%20persons%2C%20should%20be%20banned WHO GUIDING PRINCIPLES ON HUMAN CELL, TISSUE AND ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION
https://www.kidneyfund.org/kidney-donation-and-transplant Being a living kidney donor
https://www.donatelife.net/register/ Donate Life
https://bethematch.org/ Be the Match
https://youtu.be/BstUHzNAm2I Living Donor Kidney Transplant: Laparoscopic Left Nephrectomy