Ep 50: Borley Rectory
The Borley Rectory is renowned for its paranormal activity even after it burned to the ground in 1939. From the apparition of a distraught brokenhearted nun to a headless horseman carting a ghost carriage. Famed paranormal investigator Harry Price investigated the house for years and wrote several books about the house. Listen in as Samm and Amy discuss the infamous haunts on the 50th episode of Legend.

Ep 49: House of Seven Gables
On the 49th episode of Legend Amy tells Samm about the famous House of Seven Gables in Salem Massachusetts. We dive into a bit of Nathanial Hawthorne’s family history to discover what inspired the House of Seven Gables novel and talk about if there is anything paranormal really happening in the home. Then as a little bonus, did you know there was a Seven Gables road in Michigan that is also said to be haunted? Must be something about seven gables that attracts some spirits.

Ep 48: Robert the Doll
Whose scarier? Annabelle or Robert the Doll? Let us know what you think after you listen to this episode about the over one hundred year old doll wearing a sailor suit. You better make sure to be polite to him, whether you are in or out of his presence, or misfortune will befall you. Listen as Samm and Amy discuss the many strange happenings that surround Robert the doll on the 48th episode of Legend.

Ep 47: Vampires
We have a very special Halloween episode for you all. On the 47th Episode of Legend, Amy tells Samm all about Vampires. We delve a little into their origins, discuss their many traits, talk about what would have happened if people thought you were a vampire after your death and we play a few games along the way.

Ep 46: Melonheads
When a group of children suffering from hydrocephalus rebel, you better be careful, otherwise, you just might end up in their crosshairs. Just ask Dr. Crow(e). Well, kind of. You see… most Melonheads aren’t actually believed to be a threat and are quite frequently noted for their “docile” behavior. Even still… there are a handful of stories that say they rather like the taste of teenaged flesh, so you may want to watch out! Listen as Samm and Amy discuss the many variations of the Melonhead legend on the 46th episode of Legend.

Ep 45: Loveland Frog
Did you know frogs absorb water through their skin? Did you know they can’t keep their eyes open when they eat? Did you know that they carry around wands and shoot sparks at people who yell at them? If not, then you soon will. On the 45th episode of Legend, Amy tells Samm all about the mysterious Loveland Frog and a few friends of theirs that live down the Ohio River. Be prepared, you’ll never want to swim in murky water again.

Ep 44: The Dream Surveys
Have you been having strange dreams? There are two active phone numbers you can call to report them… if you dare. Listen in as Samm and Amy discuss the Willamette Valley Dream Survey and the Happy Valley Dream Survey on the 44th episode of Legend. Were they created by the same people? Is the Happy Valley Dream Survey a copycat? Is it some kind of government experiment? We may never know.

Ep 43: Black Ambulance
A priest, some nuns, a jew, satanist, and a vampire are kidnapping children in Poland using a Black Volga. But are they really? Listen to the 43rd episode of Legend as Amy tells Samm about the crazy cover story for missing children post WWII. Then travel to Romania, Italy, and Mexico where a legend turns tragic when social media gets a hold of it.

Ep 42: The Bridgewater Triangle
Did you know that America has a second Bermuda Triangle of its own in the lower 48? Did you also know that it was located in Massachusetts? Well, if you didn’t, listen in as Samm tells Amy about the many strange occurrences that take place in The Bridgewater Triangle in the 42nd episode of Legend. The Bridgewater Triangle is a patch of land that creates a triangle, using three towns as its points: Abington, Rehoboth, and Freetown. Whether it’s giant flying cryptids or tiny ones, ghosts or poltergeists, murder and/or satanic cults… This wild triangle has it all!

Ep 41: Honolulu Airport
I have had it with these motherf-ing ghosts on this motherf-ing plane! Just Kidding, no ghost on planes here, but when you’re talking about airplanes isn’t it obligatory to quote the worst plane movie in existence? Well anywho, this episode Amy tells Samm all about the weird happenings at the Daniel K Inouye International Airport in Honolulu. From plane explosions, to a plane hitting a parked plane, all the way to bathroom ghosts and choking ghost..? We’ve got it all on the 41st episode of Legend.

Ep 40: Char Man
Ojai, California is bursting with urban legends. One in particular stands out, the most popular of the legends, his name is Char Man. Whether he was burnt in a horrific wild fire, or a mishap from gasoline, an airplane, or a car accident… Char Man still terrifies the locals. His body is a blackened to a crisp and you’ll know he’s coming from the foul odor he emits before you even see him. Be careful because he’s after your skin! Listen in as Samm tells Amy’s the grizzly details of Char Man’s origin stories and sprinkles in a few of the other local urban legends around the Ojai/Ventura County area in the 40th episode of Legend.

Ep 39: Dover Demon
Spring Break, 1977, three separate accounts of a mysterious creature spotted roaming around the woods of Dover, Massachusetts. What was it? A moose? An animal with mange? Maybe it was an abandoned ET, forgotten by his friends. Join us on the 39th episode of Legend as Amy tells Samm all about this big-headed, long fingered, emaciated being.

Ep 38: Indrid Cold
In the 1960s there were several sightings of a dapper looking grinning man dubbed Indrid Cold. His appearance, paired with several UFO sightings, created a media frenzy and may have driven one man to lose everything. What do Mothman and Indrid Cold have in common? Find out when Samm and Amy discuss The Grinning Man and his strange appearance in Point Pleasant at the same time as Mothman on the 38th episode of Legend.

Ep 37: Bloody Mary
Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary! Oh right, need to say that in front of a dimly lit mirror, we can try again later. For now you should listen to episode 37 to find out just who you may be summoning up. Is she a queen, a witch, or an unfortunate car accident victim? Listen as Amy explains to Samm some of the different ladies that make up this urban legend and then stick around for our experiment.

Ep 36: Mothman
Is it a bird, is it a plane, or is it some sort of flying bug man that interestingly enough looks like a moth? If you’re from Point Pleasant, West Virginia, the latter is probably the first thought to come to your mind. Mothman was originally seen around Point Pleasant in the 1960s preceding America’s most deadly bridge collapse and since then has only grown in popularity. Is he an evil being? Is he paranormal or extraterrestrial? Or is he a warning of disastrous things yet to come? Come find out what we think about this cryptid on the 36th episode of Legend.

Ep 35: Norman Baker
Norman Glenwood Baker, showman, business man, conman. There is nothing Norman couldn’t do, as long as he saw some else do it first. On the 35th episode of Legend Amy picks up where she left off with telling Samm all about Norman Baker. Listen as we travel through his life and many business ventures, all the way to his time at Leavenworth and ultimately his death.

Ep 34: Dear David
Adam Ellis started having strange dreams about a dead child with a misshapen head in the summer of 2017. Shortly after, another child told him in his dreams that the one he had seen with the misshapen head was named “Dear David”. You can ask him two questions as long as you say “Dear David” first but if you ask him a third… you’ll die. Adam Ellis asked Dear David a third question and from there things get bonkers. Listen as Samm tells Amy all about it in the 34th episode of Legend.